Wassim Haroun
Organisation: Conser
Despite the many challenges posed by limited resources and competitively low fees, when Wassim Haroun took the helm of Conser in 2015, digitalisation was earmarked as the future of the company. Not having the financial luxury to create a separate department and buy available solutions, in 2020 he established the program CICCON that aimed to use the 50 years’ experience of Conser and resources available to start-ups, allowing them to test their innovations on ongoing projects.
The culture of innovation started in the 1990s, where he helped develop the first RIP driver for Novajet plotters, enabling them to produce 4-meter prints of a highway project superimposed on maps. His media and animation expertise allowed the company to take mathematical simulations of flood waters and transform them into animated renders convincing clients of the solutions.
Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality were adopted at their earliest stages and now we regularly immerse our engineers and clients in projects. The culture that he has instilled is now helping the company produce a set of tools that have already effectively enabled us to practice real Remote Supervision, so that we are able to cater to more projects per senior engineer than any other counterpart.