Eighteen winners and three highly commended trophies were handed out in the Awards
The winners in the 2022 Construction Technology Awards have been announced.
Held in person in Dubai, the awards showcased outstanding examples of digital or technology implementation, transformation and leadership that have helped design, build or operate projects or companies better.
Ninety-four people, projects and organisations were shortlisted across 18 categories, which were judged by an independent group of globally-based industry experts.
For several categories, the scoring was so close that Highly Commended trophies were also awarded.
BIM Project of the Year
SeaWorld Abu Dhabi (Miral Asset Management)

Judges described Miral Asset Management as “pushing state of the art technologies” with good evidence of the benefits that these brought.
Digital Transformation of the Year – Winner
Sobha Facades

Judges said this entry was an “innovative, ground-up approach to people and technology to leverage change, with good specifics on execution and ideas to promote innovation and their benefits”.
Digital Transformation of the Year – Highly Commended
Aramco – Project Management Office Department

The Highly Commended was described as having a “well organised and broad strategy that successfully uses AI, robotics and blockchain.”
Digital Project of the Year
The Storm – Dubai Hills Indoor Coaster (Cundal)

This entry impressed judges with their “clear strategy and vision”, which was described as “well planned and with specific environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts, many innovative solutions and good overall benefits”.
Digital Twin Project of the Year – Winner
Dubai Digital Twin Project (Dubai Municipality)

Judges said the winning entry is a “multidisciplinary collaboration with very large-scale impact” and a Digital Twin that will “bring clear benefits”.
Digital Twin Project of the Year – Highly Commended
ADNOC Al Yasat IWC (Kent)

Judges described the Highly Commended as “technically innovative and extremely strategic, using all aspects of a Digital Twin”.
Digital Design Organisation of the Year

The winner had demonstrated a “thorough approach to planning and execution, with extensive, quantifiable benefits across multiple fields”, judges said, adding: “The entry demonstrated a commitment to executing digital transformation, showed clear vision, adds value to their projects and ticked all the boxes.”
BIM Organisation of the Year – Winner
Khatib & Alami

Judges said the winning entry showed a “strong application based on standards, with tangible benefits that raises the benchmark”. It was, they said, a “great use of technology with well quantified benefits”.
BIM Organisation of the Year – Highly Commended
Highly Commended: The Red Sea Development Company

Judges described our Highly Commended as having “impressive leadership in the adoption of technology”. They demonstrated a “good roadmap and implementation process”.
Startup of the Year

The winning entry has had a “significant impact on urban infrastructure, is well developed, uses a mix of technologies and is possibly a game-changer”, said judges.
Offsite Project of the Year
Turtle Bay Hotel and Coastal Village Residential Buildings at The Red Sea Project (DuBox)

The winner for this category was described by judges as being “a well-executed project” where design and construction were done “without compromising visual architectural design intent”.
Technology for Good Award
Downtown Views II entered (China State Construction Engineering Corporation Middle East)

Judges said the project was a “well-planned implementation” that “achieved a strong ESG impact through effective deployment of innovative approaches”.
Sustainable Organisation of the Year

Judges chose Cundall because of its “strong ESG impact, clear strategy, effective leadership and impressive innovation.”
Consultant of the Year – Winner
Mott MacDonald

Mott MacDonald was described by judges as having an “excellent digital strategy, good structure for supporting the development of ideas, and had showcased interesting innovation”, which all added up to a “committed and comprehensive approach to digital innovation”.
Consultant of the Year – Highly Commended

Judges said of our Highly Commended entry that it was “good to see that leadership and management are not confused” and that “digital initiative is encouraged at all levels”.
Contractor of the Year
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Middle East

Judges said our winner was “clearly a highly innovative organisation” achieving “well-documented benefits” that has “embedded digital thinking into the culture”.
Client of the Year
ICD Brookfield Place

Judges said ICD Brookfield Place had demonstrated “clarity of vision, robust execution and tangible outcomes and benefits in the realms of innovation and ESG”.
BIM Champion of the Year
Juan Tena Florez (KEO International Consultants)

Juan is “a visionary who is big on continued education, and a fireball on standards” said judges.
Woman in Contech Award
Shilpa Mistry-McCallum (Mott MacDonald)

Shilpa has displayed “impactful innovation and technical expertise”, and had “found ways to make real and measurable improvements” in her organisation and career, said judges.
Construction Technology Rising Star
Hussein Rida (Khatib & Alami)

Judges described Hussein as having “external engagement in the industry that stands out”. He has “worked on challenging projects and brings modern skills to the industry”, they added.
Construction Technology Leader of the Year
Prakash Senghani (JLL)

Prakash was described by judges as having “vision and commitment”, promoting innovative ideas that are “providing ESG impact and benefits”.
Digital Construction Hub Award For Project Excellence
The Red Sea Development Company

The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC) was chosen for the organisation’s vision and approach to various aspects of the construction cycle, and the passion that shines through when key stakeholders talk about this project and the company behind it. TRSDC’s use of digitalisation to enhance project delivery, and commitments to ESG, its teams and supply chain is a model for the industry – overall this project is an exemplar to construction digitalisation and when viewed as a whole, it is impossible not to be impressed by both the ambition and the delivery.